The land of Orel region is famous for great writers Ivan Turgenev, Nikolaj Leskov, Ivan Bunin, Afanassi Foeth, prominent composer Kalinnikov, philosopher Sergey Bulgakov and the Kirievskis. Our land is proud of talents in making Pleshkov toys, in embroyde-ring in "spiss" manner, in weaving lace and things from straw and willow, in playing the Livny harmonica made with their own hands, in dancing and singing.
This rich cultural background gave a good opportunity to establish in 1972 in Orel the Institute of Arts and Culture. 1978 at this Institute at the Choreography Department the folk dance ensemble "RADUGA" (Rainbow) was formed. This masterly performance laboratory consists mainly of the students of the institute. The aim of the ensemble is propaganda of choreographic traditions of Russia and all peoples of the world.

     Nowadays the "RADUGA" has many programes and is one of the most popular and favourite choreographic ensembles of Orel. The citizens of central Russia, Far East, Siberia and the Crimea as well as Ural have got to know its art and performers. "RADUGA" has been a great success during its tours to Moscow, Mordovia, Ekaterinburg, Ulyanovsk, Smolensk, Bryansk, Tver, Kaliningrad, Belgorod, Kursk and Orel regions and attracts millions of spectators in the country and abroad with its great skill and beauty.
The "RADUGA" has been a great success during its tours to Moscow, Mordovia, Ekaterinburg, Ulyanovsk, Smolensk, Bryansk, Tver, Kaliningrad. Belgorod, Kursk and Orel regions. The ensemble has been warmly received by the spectators in Latvia, Bulgaria, Finland, France, Holland, Italy and Greece and Spane.
"RADUGA" is a participant and prizewinner of the XII World Youth Festival in Moscow and other international contests "Golden Freece" in Sochi, "Sudmallnas" in Riga, Reims Festival in France, Barhem Festival in Holland and Good-Will Games in St. Petersburg.

     The director of the ensemble Professor Nikolaj Zaikin gives his great energy and efforts for perfecting "RADUGA" skill. The balletmaster Irina Fomenko, the musical leader of the instrumental group "Talyanochka" Vassili Shkaptsov contribute much to the ensemble mastery.
The motto of the ensemble is careful preservation of the folk heritage which is a base of full of life dances, lyric round dances and choreographic miniatures. Every dance of ensemble is boldness, youth, beauty.

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